
handmade fusilli


Handmade fusilli are the most characteristic and traditional pasta of Gragnano. In over 400 years of history, the method of creating fusilli by hand has never changed and has been passed down through the generations. It takes years to learn how to make this pasta by hand. It looks easy, a single quick movement that consists in winding a bucatino around a steel rod. But it’s the movement of the hands, its speed and its strength, that are important. If there’s too much pressure, the hole in the bucatino, which is fundamental in order to make the pasta easy to digest, becomes blocked. If it’s too slow, it doesn’t wind the pasta properly around the rod to create this unique and unrepeatable shape. Pastificio Afeltra has created the Presidia of Handmade Fusilli of Gragnano, reserving a place inside the pasta factory where the master fusilli makers perform their miracle every day. Please believe us when we say that this is the best pasta in the world. We suggest delicate sauces. The leading role has to go to the amazing taste of the fusillo.